In the bible it is taught that meditation is a key to living prosperously (yielding fruit in our lives).
Meditation: is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself.
When speaking of prosperity I speak of being well mind, body and spirit while manifesting positive things in our lives. Today I speak on prosperous health and healing. As a Massage Therapist I learned that if your mind and spirit are out of whack then so shall your physical body be also. To achieve abundant health we most be at a state of homeostasis.
Homeostasis: the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.
So how do we as living breathing organisms have control of bringing our selfs into a place of Homeostasis. Well for me my mind worries and races all day long. I often dread a lot of things before I can even get my day started which leads to feeling depressed and defeated. For along time I just thought it was normal, until through reading and scripture I realized I was given the the power By The Most High to renew my mind and choose my thoughts. Renewing ones mind is not easy it takes practice and patience. If we choose to pay attention to what we are thinking about our health we can change how we feel in our bodies. Most of us suffering from chronic illness are often told by physicians that we can not be healed, but spiritual teachings tell us that we can if we have faith that healing has been made available that it shall manifest in our lives.
Psalms 49: 3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding
So remember if you are thinking that I am sick you will be sick, if you speak I am not well you shall not be well. Pay attention to your thought life because as you imagine so shall things be. If we meditate on positive things that contribute to life, we will bring fourth good fruit(yield positive results).
When your mind is constantly focused on the negative or what we perceive as wrong things it is a form of meditation. We have worries and doubt that consume our thought life which produces more chaos( stress, sickness, brokenness, worry and struggle. So when you catch yourself worrying or doubting find spiritual or positive readings to think (meditate) on, replace the complaints with all is well and you will find peace in whatever life brings your way.
Imagination: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
Your imagination can be used as a tool of manifestation. If you can see in your mind the concept of you being well then meditate on that image, thinking and speaking these things on your health, life will seem much easier to bare, happiness will replace worry and strength will abound.