Friday, May 23, 2014

Meditation for Healing

In the bible it is taught that meditation is a key to living prosperously (yielding fruit in our lives).

Meditation: is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself.

When speaking of prosperity I speak of being well mind, body and spirit while manifesting positive things in our lives. Today I speak on prosperous health and healing. As a Massage Therapist I learned that if your mind and spirit are out of whack then so shall your physical body be also. To achieve abundant health we most be at a  state of homeostasis.

Homeostasis: the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its  physiological processes.

So how do we as living breathing organisms have control of bringing our selfs into a place of Homeostasis. Well for me my mind worries and races all day long. I often dread a lot of things before I can even get my day started which leads to feeling depressed and defeated. For along time I just thought it was normal, until through reading and scripture I realized I was given the the power By The Most High to renew my mind and choose my thoughts. Renewing ones mind is not easy it takes practice and patience. If we choose to pay attention to what we are thinking about our health we can change how we feel in our bodies. Most of us suffering from chronic illness are often told by physicians that we can not be healed, but spiritual teachings tell us that we can if we have faith that healing has been made available that it shall manifest in our lives.

Psalms 49: 3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding

So remember if you are thinking that I am sick you will be sick, if you speak I am not well you shall not be well.  Pay attention to your thought life because as you imagine so shall things be. If we meditate on positive things that contribute to life, we will bring fourth good fruit(yield positive results).

When your mind is constantly focused on the negative or what we perceive as wrong things it is a form of meditation. We have worries and doubt that consume our thought life which produces more chaos( stress, sickness, brokenness, worry and struggle. So when you catch yourself worrying or doubting find  spiritual or positive readings to think (meditate) on, replace the complaints with all is well and you will find peace in whatever life brings your way.

Imagination: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.

Your imagination can be used as a tool of manifestation. If you can see in your mind the concept of you being well then meditate on that image, thinking and speaking these things on your health, life will seem much easier to bare, happiness will replace worry and strength will abound.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

In the Midst of the Storm

Through the storm of life I will go on conquering strife, the waves of physical confusion crashing against the grain of my brain trying to drive me insane, but the essence of Eternal Power that Lives within Towers over all contusions dissolving them into optical illusions, Rain drops beating against my window of pain threatening to drain my energy of hope which allows me to cope with the scope of turmoil raging against my daily strides of overcoming tides, Dark clouds hoovering in the skies reflecting in my eyes the dreariness of days to come leaving me to feel undone so I pray for the sun to shine within sorry storm the Lords my friend so He and I will always win.

Monday, June 24, 2013


FibroMom: LOST BUT NOT ALONE: Lost and alone in a world so cold never feeling like I can Live boldly as me in pain but free to not be okay each day, putting on a happy fa...


Lost and alone in a world so cold never feeling like I can Live boldly as me in pain but free to not be okay each day, putting on a happy face not my own not getting help to push along, deep down inside I want to cry as I watch the whole world pass me by, wanting to scream as I lay in wait for the day of change to take place, living a lie of I'm just fine I'll get by up until the day I die, scared of never being rescued from the depths of despair but oh who cares if I can't even comb my hair, stares I get at my tired red eyes trust me I know you think I'm high, don't deny you see me as lazy and crazy, WELL TRY WALKING A DAY IN MY CHRONICALLY PAINFUL FATIGUED SHOES MAYBE YOU'D BE CRAZY TOO!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not the Exception....... to the Rule!!

On May 19, 2011 I was abruptly awaken by pounding on my front door, then I heard whining and crying. I yanked my head from my pillow and I see my 8 year old son Tamyr throwing a tantrum. I groggily look at the clock on my wall and calmly ask him whats wrong, he starts yelling, I missed my bus and its your fault!! So now I'm not only annoyed at the fact that I just fell asleep due to chronic sleep disorder(deprivation) but also because I am curious to know How the Heck is it my fault he missed his bus. 
 Now let me explain that due to my symptom of insomnia my children's father wakes my son @ 6:00am for school before he leaves for work. His bus picks him up from my corner that I can see from my window promptly @ 7:27am, he's always to wake me (because I've usually just fallen to sleep @ 4:00 or 5:00am) before he leaves @ 7:15am so that he's not rushing. His father makes sure breakfast is had and I usually bark orders like did you brush teeth, use deodorant, got lunch etc; love you have a nice day.
But on this particular day my body didn't respond and I unfortunately didn't here my baby waking me up of course. To ask me where his sweater is, YES HE"S YELLING AT ME BECAUSE HE COULDN'T LOOK FOR HIS OWN SWEATER.
Now I do feel bad and as always i feel depressed and heartbroken that I could be such a horrible mother that I can't wake up to get my child off to school properly. I'm at the time in excruciating pain , don't have a car so the only option would be public transportation, so now I feel doubly horrible because I hurt to bad to fix the situation. I'm actually feeling lazy because I can't take him to school due to pain.
So of course he stayed home with me after I had him find his sweater in 2nano seconds.
Now, I must wake my five year old as I do every morning at 7:30am to get him up and off to school with his best friend's dad who's our neighbor. Surprisingly everything goes off without a hitch. Now remember I said Surprisingly!!
As we fast forward to 3:00pm when my neighbor calls to say they're outside and home from school I get an ear full on how my child was  displaying horrible behavior at school. So bad, that an attendant at the school who is also a neighbor had to escort Mr 5 yr old Zaire OUT OF THE CLASS!!! WHAT THE!!! 
Now I want to explode because I'm already irritable due to it being a wet. rainy and Achy Day!!
Zaire go to your room You're officially on punishment for the day, Me Laying Down the Law Of Course. 
Just when Ya thought it was over the bell rings and its Zaire's friends wanting him to come out and play in the court yard, No boys Zaire is on punishment for bad behavior at school, YES I EMBARRASSED HIM BY TELLING HIS FRIENDS..... L.O.L , So as I go back into the boys room to tidy up, Tamyr is in there interrogating Zaire. I heard mommy say you're on punishment for being bad at school were you bad Zaza, Huh, answer me were you? Me butting in because clearly Zaza is ignoring him, I say, Yes he was! Well I wasn't talking to you I was Talking to Zaire, says Tamyr out his mouth to me. That's it I'm done you are on punishment too,  lay down everybody and don't move. I go into the living room to lay on the couch with a blanket and watch Netflix as I clock watch to wait for their dad.
As soon as that man walks in the door at 6:00pm I sit him down and tell all, that will fix them!!
So needless to say by the end of the night I'm crying and snotting tears about how I already feel bad that I'm sick and that they hurt my feelings and stressed me out. I went on on and on about me already being depressed that I'm not my normal self. I can definitely say that, Man I needed that! To let all my fears, dissapointments and self blame go.
I tell this story to say everyday doesn't have to be a good day, a I'm strong day, nor a I'm coping day.
Sometimes you're just not gonna be THAT EXCEPTION TO THE RULE!! Cry it out and try again tomorrow. It's gonna be O.K.!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

In the Beginning there was Fibro!!

Two years ago I was a single mom working as a Massage Therapist, In the chiropractic and fitness industry loving my profession. Life was not perfect of course but I was good at assisting clients and friends in naturally healing and maintaining their bodies and/or physical  ailments. 
Then, what do you know in October 2009 I began my battle with Fibromyalgia. My first reaction was " THIS IS SOME B.S.!", I can't have this, I'm the healer not the Inflicted, I'll be a Mothers Uncle!!
During my ordeal with doctors, specialist and physical therapist my personal life was a HOT MESS!!
I lost my career due to it being to painful to do the physical work and have the physical energy it takes to heal others. This meant no income because I was a private and sub-contractor, no health insurance or disability when you are your own boss, Plus I was already starting over financially after coming out of a financially disastrous seven year long-term relationship with my kids father.
So What to do , What to I do , WHAT TO DO!!!!, I thought.      
And so began the beginning of  my Fibromyalgia Battle,  the Rebuilding of my Spirit,  and my finding the strength to Overcome It All.